Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh finally Fitness Testing is over! Today we had beep test which is one of the hardest test because we have to run back and forth and the time will get shorter, so we have to run faster. Well, at least i improved from last time. ( :

So justnow we had BM as usual and this time we were had this competition between groups. There were three groups and I was in the same group with Syuyi, Nadira, Shankar, and Jonathan. So the teacher was going to ask us questions group by group and if the group doesnt know the answer, it will be open to the other two groups.

The game was going really, really well and we were all so hyper and excited, mainly because Cikgu Nadzri said the winner and 1st runner up would get a hamper. So we were like "Ohh ada apa dalam hamper itu??" Cikgu Nadzri said "kerepek udang". Then I shot out this question:

"Tapi tapi bila makanan itu expire?"

Anyway, we were so hyper that we were shouting and shouting and laughing so damn loud even Ms Rani and Mr Boucher came to check on us. : ) We kept telling Cikgu Nadzri which group was cheating and stuff like that so that we would get more marks. Then there was this part, so embarrassing for me:

Cikgu Nadzri: Okay, berikan kata dasar pada perkataan berikut ---
Anita: IKUT!

*WHOLE CLASS LAUGHS. Haha, I was soooooo excited and hyper.*

Nadira: No lah! Cikgu not yet say lah!
Anita: Oh *laughing and embarrassed.*
Cikgu: Okok, berikan kata dasar pada perkataan INI *refusing to use berikut anymore* iaitu "mengubahsuaian".
Anita: *raises hand* UBAH SUAIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!

Man, in the end of the class, Sean's group won and my group got second. Haha, where is our hampers then? (:

Anyway, lunchtime!!


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