Monday, September 8, 2008


Ah, I'm back. (: Internet yesterday at the hostel wasn't working at all so it really sucked. Plus I had nothing much to do and so I watched Step Up and She's The Man. Room mate only arrived back at the hostel around 9 so I was quite alone for a while.

We went rock climbing at Camp 5 in One Utama today. We were supposed to go ice skating but I think some stuff happened and stopped it from happening. :S So we went there from 9 to 12, so we got to skip BM! :)

Rock climbing today was DEFINITELY fun fun fun! I climbed some but didnt really dare to do the harder ones. :) It was really, realllyyyyyy highhhhhhhh. LOL. What surprised me more was that I saw someone I knew there.


Yea he's another coach from IAG but I have never meet him in person, so today I did! At one time, I went up to him and just asked whether he was from IAG. He, I think, was shocked too. LOL. But he and the other instructors seemed to be really nice fellas.

It was awesome, too, because we got to do all different levels of the rock climbing. And having these funny and random people in the same class helped too. There were a lot of laughter and fun fun fun!

The rest of the day was quite simple and normal. Didnt do much in both Business and Science. Mr. Owen talked for most of the class during Business and it was a work period for us in Science. I have to really get started on my portfolio for business! (:

We'll be having our fitness test from tomorrow until Thursday so no exciting trips to anywhere this week! =(

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