Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I gotta say, BM class in SIS is getting better. ( : Especially with the fact that people in the class are funny and random. So like today. We had this presentation we had to do. We were given the homework to come up with something that we want to sell and we had to write all the good things about our products and also to create a poster. I sell tattoos by the way. And I'm from a company called Tatu Quill.. *Everything has got to be in Malay*

So we were to present our product to the class today. And I picked out some funny stuff that happened throughout the presentation!

Sean's. He sells clothes and his company is called The Spade.
* after the presentation *

Mr Nadzir: Sean, saya memang hairan. Baju-baju anda memang cantik.
Sean: Oh saya hire Anita mah..

- I did the drawing for him -

Chu Ching sells this pair of earrings called Anting-Anting Ajaib.

Munyee: Anting-anting ajaib? Kalau tiada lubang macam mana?

*quiet* and then followed by laughter.

Chu Ching: Anting-anting ini juga boleh tahan lasak.
Isaac: Macam mana kalau terbakar?
Chu Ching: *quiet* Tak boleh dibakar punya.

Syeyi sells music notes-shaped biscuits/ sweets.

Mr Nadzri: Saya hairan, kenapa logo anda tupai?
Syeyi: Uh..kerana tupai suka!

Syuyi sells stress-reliever medicines.

Mr Nadzri: Syuyi, apakah ubat penguat anda dibuat daripada?
Syuyi: uh, garam dan gula.

Isaac sells wines and is from a company called Melur.
Isaac: Selama pagi kepada cikgu, rakan-rakan, apa-apa sajalah.

Mr Nadzri: Isaac, macam mana anda dapat nama Melur untuk kedai awak?
Isaac: Tak tau, saya hantam saja.

Jonathan sells this super hightech watch-attached-phone called Jamphone.

Mr Nadzri: Jonathan, berapa jam tangan ini?
Jonathan: RM1399, tapi kalau pergi Petaling Street ada pirated punya.

Then it was my turn to present. I wasnt very ready so I just go with the flow, ya know. (: So here is mine!

Anita: Selamat pagi kepada semua orang. Saya jual tatu dan name kedai saya Tatu Quill.
Mr Nadzri: Apa tu "Quill"?
Anita: Uh..tak bermaksud apa-apa.

And then I had designs like hearts, butterflies, and words.
Anita: Ada banyak designs macam hati, perkataan, dan kupa-kupa.
Mr. Nadzri: Apa tu kupa-kupa? Kupu-kupu lah!
Anita: Huh?? Tapi abang saya beritahu saya "kupa-kupa" punyaaaaa!

*Followed by continuous laughter*

And i had belly dancing today! We had it after school and Munyee joined too so I wasnt alone. I had a lot fun and Ms Shannon says we all did quite well for beginners, well, I did it for sometime once last year but still!!! :D And we're gonna do yoga next week!


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