Thursday, July 17, 2008


what a day -.- I've had a great day, just like yesterday. But then, something happened to me. :( But I will still call today a g-r-e-a-t- day!

Go green. I wore green socks today -.-

Anyhoos, we had our first assembly today for the 2nd semester and it was an hour and a half long. The teachers had a lot to tell us about: rules, clubs in the futures etc. The rules have all changed so much and gotten so much stricter. -.- Like no dying our hair. But hey, I already did it ok. Dont bother to change la. We have 6 new teachers this sem and so altogether we have 11 teachers. Each of them is starting a club for us students to join and I've decided to join the dance club and the creative writing club, mainly because I get to do my part for our school yearbook :p

Some new japanese girls in the school.

Miss Litman during the assembly.

All are new teachers except for the woman on the far left.

Random pic taken during assembly :)

Sean giving a 'speech' at the assembly

Then we had Malay again. It was a funny class XD We were talking about people misusing Bahasa Melayu and the teacher wanted us to give some examples and some of the things we came up with were "lah", "mah", "kan", "alah" and "aeleh". It was so funny x)

Then it was P.E. this is where the 'thing' happened to me. Today we played some LOGS ( low organized games ) and I hurt myself. Not badly, but it hurts. A lot.

I scraped both my knees.

We were playing tags and I fell down just as I was about to tag someone. Apparently we were playing this game in a basketball court so you can imagine how rough the surface is. :( It's even hard to bend my knees now. Twice the trouble. :(

Sean thinks I have a messy locker so he took a pic of it. What do you expect from a guy who only has a plastic bag inside his locker? -.-

I have BM and Science homework today but it's nothing biggie, seriously. Besides, if I dont finish them I have study period first thing tomorrow in the morning. (: Okies, I think i still better start doing the homework :(


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