Saturday, May 17, 2008

Who's Your Hero?

About two months ago, I studied Civics and we learned about child labour and a 12-year-old guy called Craig Kielburger. He formed a group called Free The Children with some of his friends in school. Since I had a HUGE assignment on this organization and was too bored justnow, I google searched for Craig Kielburger and Iqbal Masih, who was killed when he returned to Pakistan. He was sold to a carpet factory when he was just 4 and managed to escape, going all around giving talks about Rights.

So I google-searched him and I got to this really amazing webpage. The page contained a lot of child heroes and I had already read about 5 of the child heroes' article. It is just so great to know that even children under the age of 5 can be heroes!

I learnt a lot after reading the articles but I am not done reading all yet. This is definitely a website I'd recommend each and everyone of you to take a look at! It shows how amazing and heroic children can be.

Go to

There are a lot of other child heroes if you keep scrolling down.

I'd probably read all the other articles tomorrow when I am bored. It's so great to be able to learn and know so much about these young heroes!

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