Saturday, May 2, 2009

this day i wont forget.

Woohoooooo - the outing today was great! A lot happened, but it was all worth it. I woke up around 7 in the morning and started to get ready and went to the college foyer with Jia Kai to meet Syeyi. The three of us met Mark at Kelana Jaya and we arrived KLCC around 9 something in the morning. damnn it was still early! Nadira arrived while we were eating McDonald's. then Steven, then Adilet.

Ohh something so cute happened in the ladies' room in KLCC! 

*Anita and syeyi staring into mirror*
Syeyi: omgggg look at my eyebags
Anita: my hair is so messy..

*anita feels like the cleaner is looking at them*

Cleaner: *looks at syeyi and anita and showed them the thumbs up* cantikkkkk..

Haha! So cuteeee!  :D 

Steven and Adilet arrived when we were already in Pavilion. We were at Pepper Lunch when they came, after that we went to Baskin Robin to have a chocolate fondue then we went for our movie. Coming Soon is damnnn scary! D: The plan after movie was supposed to be karaoke but we didnt go 'cause it was too expensive. So we went shopping since Adilet wanted to get a jacket. We went to tall these sport shops and us girls started to try caps on and took pictures. Those pictures are with nadira so I shall only upload them when I get 'em!

Adilet didnt get any jacket in the end but there were some that was nice :)  From there we went back to KLCC again. We hung out a bit before me, Jia kai, Syeyi and Mark went back again. We were saying goodbye to each other as though we were at an airport and flying away to somewhere else!  :D

Mark went back at kelana jaya so me, jia kai and syeyi went to Pyramid. We ate A&W, watched people ice skate and then went to the arcade.  :) We met Shelby and Hatso there! Shelby is my first ever housemate and Hatso is our friend from school. 

Pictures!  =)

this is us on the LRT  :)

our breakfast at McD's in KLCC :) I had fillet o fish.

And these pictures we took outside at the garden in KLCC ;)

phone phone phone. everyone's on the phone :)

and againnnnnnnnnnnnn

jump people, jump!

Syeyi and Jia kai are frenemies! :D 

At Pavilion:

Nadira's order at Pepepr Lunch

my green tea ice cream which was o-so delicious!

adilet - all new to Pepper Lunch! Haha! ;D

Adilet's order.

the yummmmmmy chocolate fondue!

7 people; 7 ice cream  :)

dipped in chocolate ;)


back at the station ;(

group picture. steven had gone back then  :|

Jia Kaikaikaikaikai.

Mark and Sye sye :)

syeyi's camcorder. 

me, her him.

Shelby Suh!  ;)

Now I have to start planning on my monologue :) I can't wait for school - oh boredom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice pictures!! i wan the choc fondue la