Sunday, May 24, 2009

Go, bowling, go!

I went out with the guys yesterday - Adilet, Mark, Mahendra, Hatso, and Jia Kai. They were in school earlier with Siva, revising their maths. I was halfway watching Charlie Barlett when Jia Kai called me and asked if I wanted to go to Pyramid with them. I figured what the heck, so I said yes. The phone conversation was funny though  :D

Jia Kai: Do you want to go to Pyramid with us?
Anita: Can I go?
Jia Kai: Why not?
Anita: Because yesterday, someone said it was supposed to be a "men's day out".
Jia Kai: *laughs*
Anita: Haha! You ask Adilet la!
Jia Kai: *to Adilet* she's asking if she can come because someone said yesterday it's a men's day out! *laughs*
Adilet: Hello, Anita? You want to say something?
Anita: NO.  -.-
Adilet: You wanna come with us?
Anita: yes! When are you guys going?
Adilet: Now.
Anita: What! But I need to go get prepared!
Adilet: haha! Okay how long do you need?
Anita: Half an hour.
Adilet: HALF AN HOUR?! Half an hour just to paint your nails?
Anita: haha! :)
Adilet: Okay, take your time. We'll be in school. 

The guys actually planned to watch Terminator but the queue in the movies was too long so we went bowling. I didnt play though. After that, we went to eat at Wendy's.

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