Sunday, May 10, 2009

amazing life, aint it.

The other day Syeyi asked, "When you were young, did you ever think that we would all meet each other one day and to be here talking and laughing with each other?" 

I said, "No, we never know where we will arrive in the future"

I consider myself really lucky to be where I am today. To be able to study here and experience life in an international school. To be frank, I really love my life and though there are times I wish I was someone else, I've never wanted to not experience my life. I always find myself looking back at my childhood, and wondering how in the world did I ever get here. It's just simply amazing. When i was young, i never knew that i would be here now, typing this. I didnt know what stress is and all I remember is roller blading in the afternoons with my sister, brother, and a friend who lived with us. 

I had very little friends in school. I have a lot now. When I think back, I wonder how I actually survived my schooldays. I was really quiet then, I was a prefect in primary school, and I was one of those people who is damn quiet in class during secondary school. My only friends were two other girls in class. 

You know how people say, time passes really fast? Gosh, it does! It's just like yesterday when I was only 10. Time passes without you knowing it, next thing you know you're growing up really fast and becoming an adult. You need to go through university. You need to find a job. Why does time pass so fast? In less than 10 years I'll find myself working. and the life I now have will be all over. 

Isnt it amazing how your life changes? You meet new people, people who change your life for the better. You get all these opportunities others don't? :)  Well, that's my situation. Since coming to KL, my life has changed so much and I've made so many close friends, and have been given the opportunities to experience just so many things. I myself wouldnt have known that I'd better here today. But it just happens, doesnt it? :)  

Justnow, in the afternoon, I was just thinking why all of our lives have to come to an end. For me, I wish my life wouldnt come to an end because of all the memories and experiences that I've gone through. They're all worth it. I've gone through so many emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, depression. and trust me, going through each one of them is worth it. It made me learn about life more.  i can't help it, i have an amazing life. I'm not trying to boast anything here, but just to let you know that I treasure my life. I think all people should.  :)  

more to come for this amazing life of mine.  :)

1 comment:

Amiera Azhar said...