Thursday, January 31, 2008

And so..

Its Thursday =)

I just got back from Miss Litman's class. Me and some other students were helping her with some CNY preparations for tomorrow. We are going to have some kind of drama about the 12 animals. I'm actually going to be the Monkey =) YAY! I volunteered to be the role, actually. So I was drawing all the animal faces justnow. I'm probaly going to stay back after school today to continue the drawings.

So we've finished watching the movie ANTZ in Civics class. It was really interesting and the whole class was clapping when the main character Z kissed the princess. I mean, ants kissing? Come on!

And French class yesterday was real fun too =) I still remember how to say A-Z in French! And we learnt some words like 'good morning' and 'hello' (-_-)

And would you believe there was only 3 students in French class including me??!!

The teachers here had banned us students from blasting music during study period because it is "..becoming very noisy and disturbing others.." So the whole resource room is so quiet now..eventhough I can hear the music from the guy beside me *He's using earphones*

The resource room is now so unbelievably quiet I swear I can only hear the sound of me typing =( It's scary ...

The school is freakingly cold! I'm too lazy to bring a jacket..but hey..choices have consequences la..

I can't wait for tomorrow! I'm getting soooo nervous but hopefully things turn out well ")

AH..I'll be leaving on Saturday! =)


Ok........I'll go do something else now =)

I'm so bored and happy *)


I miss everything about Sandakan ======))))

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