Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Me and Amanda just found out today that we would be so busy tonight~~
Turned out we didn’t really do our English research thingy so now we are splitting the work into half :D
The combination of our hardwork must be a minimum of 1000 words. BAH.

Anyways, Mr Owen didn’t come today as he was sick so we stayed in Math class eventhough we were going to do the usual things we would do in English class : Read our novel for 15 mins and the homework Mr Owen gave us. Oh yeah, yesterday Mr Owen played the speech given by Marin Luther Jr years and years and years ago and I thought that the speech was really interesting and he was so passionate about it =)

So I heard Syeyi saying something about our uniform today. Turned out last Friday some of the boys in my class asked Miss Rani, the headmistress, if we can NOT wear our uniform. Obviously, she said NO. However, together with the boys, she made this fun thing where every Friday we have a different theme, and we would wear clothes according to the theme. This Friday, it's going to the BLACK..something like punk and stuff. =) This should be really cool and fun! I've read the upcoming ideas on the themes and I saw some like, BLING, ANGELS, SUPERSTARS..and the list goes on!

During IT class today, Ms Collins told us that all of the students in SIS will go to this place in Shah Alam. We'll go by bus. She said we will do some rope-related activities such as flying fox and stuff. SO FUN! This will be our first field trip and it's all free! Can't wait =D

Amanda has a blog! www.amanda-panda-banana.blogspot.com

Haha, she said I forced her to get one but I sooooo did not! She was posting new posts the whole of yesterday and today! Think she's having fun with the world of blogging. WINK.

There was another new student. AGAIN. He's doing Grade 11, though. I heard that he's from Sri Lanka but studied in Canada for quite some time. Plus, I think he's staying in the hostel 'cause there was 7 breakfasts in the cafeteria this morning. But the boys never eat their breakfasts. ==

I feel so sleepy now but I can't go to sleep now. Ah well, I'll reward myself next time, maybe =)

Better go do my research now……YAWN.


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