Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I can finally update!

Sigh~Okay..I shouldn't sigh now :) I'm just sooo bored and waiting for dinner. Oh, and no homework today! It's probably going to be the same for the next few days too.

I had a hell of a great day today^^ Started off with waking up at 6.15 to make sure I don't forget to charge my computer and transfer some schoolwork to m USB. And then I took a long hot bath. Yeshh, I had a great start for today!

Had Math Test today and well, It wasn't as hard asI thought it would be and I really did my best. I'm crossing my fingers now!

Then there was English class, we continued our game again, this is how it is going to be the whole week. We had to run around the school to look for blue papers that Group Claudine, which was doing presentation, hid. It was so much fun and the winnng group gets to take a whole pack of KitKat. Sounds great huh? Turned out there was not much KitKat left actually!

It's been raining cats and dogs this whole week and I am soooo sick of it already! I hate the thunder-It' so scary- and I hate the rain! And...IT'S RAINING NOWWWW!!!

I was soooo glad I got to chat with my friend today :) Haven't talk to her in a long time and she's one of my bestie!!! Great to know that she's doing well..and I really miss her!!

Ah..the dinner is here!!! I wannna go eat now!!! Catch up soon!


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