Thursday, June 19, 2008


Everything is getting so damn expensive. specially the rice. Oh man, I'd even consider jus eating tapioca now, and not rice. This sucks. Watching my mum buy something so expensive just for a couple of days. Feel like shouting at the government now. Man, what is going on?

The rice went from RM27.90 to RM 36 and justnow RM 43! Well, the Cap Roda brand la.
Even the petrol price. Oh gosh.

All I want to do now is ask someone to bring me and talk to Abdullah and the people working with him.

Just because people like you can eat, it doesnt mean that others can, OK?

Anyway, was at this supermarket with my mum justnow and this thing that I hate to the max happened. Three malay guys. Need to say more what they do meh??? I just can't stand people whistling at me or calling me "ah moi". Unless the guys are hot. But the three malay orang justnow are so damn ugly lah, OK. I know I'm pretty la, you want to compliment sure can but please stop your kind of childish act. Bet the 3 of you guys are still single. No wonder all you three did was just walked in the supermarket and buy beers. So unreasonable.

Yay going to Kundasang tomorrow! (: This time, I'm gonna stay in one hotel that's new so it should be cool and exciting! (:

Plus all the coldness x)

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