Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Morning with the parents.

Ish. Went exercising with my parents again this morning. I could've done better if the snails weren't there! ARGH. Dunno why I have this thing with snails. But I find them so freaking disgusting. I mean, they get killed easily, what's the point of living anyway?? Extinct la!

So, I didnt get to run in circles like how I wanted to because if I have to pass a snail, I'll get so ARGH and jump over it -.- My mum'd kicked the snail away but I will still be so..you know. Worse still, the one I saw this morning was a big one. Damn geli-ing and scary!

Then we shoot some balls =) Aiya, my parents want me to say that they are better than me lah. Seriously they are and they can "chop" the balls. That's what they call it anyway :)

Oh yea, I went to school too. Well, my previous school = )
Boring la going back there but whatever lah. Saw some people O once-and-now still hating and people I love, friends.

Then at around 2, we went to the airport to pick Aunty Irene up. Mum's friend, if you're wondering. Ate indian food ( as usual ) for lunch then we head back home. I went online for a while but the line wasnt very good.

Rained during dinner. As in, BIG HEAVY RAIN. Which resulted in not being able to watch the first few scenes of the TV show "Spirits of Love" XD But later, it worked!

Anyhoos, I WONT go exercising tomorrow because I am sure that there will be snails since it rained today. ;(


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