Thursday, June 26, 2008

As Strong As You Are

No current for a while justnow. This is the first time that it's happened since I've been back and I can seriously say that it'd really improved. I remember once when my sis came back from Aus, it started raining and then no electricity and all those stuff. It was funny. x)

I can't believe I'm having one of those days again. Days when I feel like a complete failure and loser, powerless to do anything at all. Guess everyone feels like that once in a while. Well, it's happening to me almost everyday.

Came across this in Google image and it's everything about me right now.

The week after the next and I'll be going back already. Man, time is passing so fast. I remember the first time I left for KL, the feeling was terrible. I felt seriously lonely and depressed. I'd be wondering what my friends were doing and what I'd left out on, the things I was supposed to be doing with them. I worry about my friends I left in Sandakan changing and getting used to me not being here and finding another person to replace me. These thoughts are haunting me all the time even now. But I'm glad that hasn't happen yet. (:

So I got my right ear pierced two days ago
. Well, it is already pierced but I got a second pierced earhole for it. (: I'm so happy and glad! I did it for fun and to enjoy the pain x)

I watched Living Lohan on YouTube last night and it was so funny. It's so.. how just because they are rich, they can be all dramatic and have everything their way. Oh well.

Went exercise again this morning and saw two DANG YUCKY snails which my mum, of course, killed. (:

I am so bored.
I am depressed.
I am angry.


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