Saturday, June 7, 2008

Looking nice. ( :

After a day of now going on the net, I can now =)
There was some problem with the computer but not now.

I'm really wondering what all my KL friends are up to now. Nadira called me days ago and talked to me for quite some time and also talked to my mum. According to her, she got to meet Dr Mahathir, our former president. Sounds great. :D

I'm going to attend a wedding tonight and have an appointment with a hairdresser at 3.30 later! :D Okay, I'll bring my camera this time and if anything is interesting, i'll upload the pictures. (:

Actually, the fact that I'll; be attending this wedding kinda reminds me of how me and my sis along with my mum went to weddings last year in either November or December. I wont forget those days. We had a lot of places to go in a week and almost one week we had to look nice and go to salons and stuff. It was fun, though. Those continuous days of make-up, beautiful clothes and nice hair :D

Do you still remember, Denise??

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