Friday, June 27, 2008

Bitchy ex-classmate.

Huh. I woke up early this morning to go exercising. I'm proud to say that I've got 17 slam-dunks this morning at the basketball court. Well, not slam-dunks, but the balls went in (:

Had breakfast with Aunty Mylene this morning, a close friend of my mum, and we had stuff like dim-sums and paos. Kinda my faves (: The three of us talked for quite a long time since there were stuff to talk about.

So I went back to my previous school today. Some people think as though I go back to see them and then they start to get on my nerves. Man, they are so perasan.

So there was this girl I've hated since YEARS. Well, not face-to-face kinda hate but I just dislike her attitude. She's those kind of person who says something without thinking about how others will feel and it's as if she's so perfect. Her boyfriend ( or maybe ex-boyfriend now ) bought her stuff and then she was like, "It's not even nice! I can get better one myself!". Owh -

Saw her today and she was like, scanning me or something. Looked at me from the head to my toe. -.- Wat the. I know she is thinner and taller lah, but I'm prettier okay. (:
She's in the Dancing Society and she's always dancing no matter where she is. Acts as if she is so thin like that, when she also has tulam lo. Stop acting la, Miss Kong.

AH, just needed to vent my anger (:

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