Monday, June 30, 2008


So I went to another wedding last night. A Malay wedding this time. It was a good wedding, the bride and groom were laughing a lot (: One thing about Malay weddings is that they always wait for EVERYONE to arrive before they get started on anything. Wayyy too patient. (:

We started eating about 9 last night!

I wore the exact same thing I wore to a wedding last year. Even the earrings were the same.

I woke up around 11 this morning. So late for me :S I think the fact that I woke up so late today made me extremely sleepy the whole day. I am even sleepy now. Omgosh.

Browsed through some friend's pictures in Friendster and saw some people commenting on their pictures. Well, bad-kinda comments. LOL. It is so funny. :D I saw this one bitch who commented on someone's picture telling her that if she "want to write something. better use high standard english 1st pls". LOL. Omg, it wasn't like the bitch's English was good. It was so funny and sickening.

Oh by the way, I really can't stand that person so I'll just say her name. Cristy.

(: Much better~~~~~~~~

So I'm watching some show on woman giving birth in cars. Interesting enough. (:

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