Sunday, June 8, 2008


I really have to be happy with myself. The past few days I didnt really liked jogging in the mornings, but this morning..Man! I bet I was better than my parents since I ran a bit :D But it was a great workout and in a way, I get to be..thinner. x)

I had to wake up at 5.20 this morning but who cares.I woke up, did some jumping jacks then i was awake already (:

Me and my parents had breakfast in this indian kopitiam called Zakariah or something. Since they didnt have any roti pisang ( my favorite ), we brought our own banana! It was so funny but hey, if u want something, do something eh? :D Nice breakfast it was.

Now about the wedding last night x)

The bride and groom :) Happy alwaysss

And uh, this is me last night x)

It was a great wedding and a lot of dancing. :D The bride and groom looked so happy so all the best for them!

Went to my previous school this morning because they had this basketball competition thingy. Hang around and that was it. Boring. Oh yeah :)

I've been camwhoring a lot lately. These are a few pictures!

Besides all these, I AM SO DEVASTATED! I broke my nail..TWICE! I took a picture of it and it looks kinda disgusting. :( My precious nail...I love you.

See? The third finger from the left. See how it is now? T_T Damn cacated.

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