Monday, June 2, 2008

Back home with a new hairstyle.

Oh, sorry for the lack of updates!
Internet's been wayyy down back home. =)

ANyway,. I've been home for eaxctly three days and getting kinda bored. But who cares. Holidays are supposed to be boring right? Time for people rest. HAHA. A lot of people said that I've become soooo fair. *smiles*

I went out with some friends yesterday and today and maybe tomorrow, too. Some of them are having a camp on Wednesday. =( Ah well.

But like I said before, I have a new hairstyle! XD So here are some pictures! I'll upload the better pictures next time, I promise!

Anyhoo, this morning my dad and mum woke up me to do some exercise. -.- We went to a park nearby and I stopped jogging/ walking around after seeing 3 snails. ARGH YUCKY!!! *You're lucky denise and jiansheng, you guys dont have to wake up at 5.45 in the morning. -.-

Not much happening in Sandakan, though. I'm getting bored but when I think of school, I go, this is life/ =)

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