Saturday, June 28, 2008

9 More Days Is All I Have Left With You

Went to school today (: They have activities on Saturday so I went back to have a look and to be a busybody. Which was fun. Not much happen though. Just met some friends and bought the latest issue of Epop, which is a Chinese entertainment magazine.

Me and the parents stopped by Chocolate Rain after they picked me up at school and we ate a a lot that I skipped dinner, which is twice in a row :( We ordered something like ABC, mummy ordered peanut butter-banana toast and my father ordered a chicken pie. I forgot to take the pictures! >.<"
But it was ALL oh-so delicious! x)

SO there is this big big beehive outside my house lately. We wanted to get rid of it and we did. Well, our maid's son helped us. He wore a raincoat and used a thick plastic bag to cover his head yet he still got bitten. :/

So there is no beehive now! (:

I remember when I was about 6 and I saw a really big beehive and I told my mum, "Mummy what is that? Looks like a chicken. What is a chicken doing on the roof?"

Sounds so stupid but I think it's cute (:

Aussino is available now is Sandakan! You guys know the shop that sells bedsheets and stuff? Well, it opened today! (: Me and the parents went after Chocolate Rain and bought so many stuff that we spent over *beeps*

Anyway, I have a new bedsheet now so I'm happy!

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