Monday, June 16, 2008


As promised, this post is especially for my elder sister, Denise. I promised her I'd make a post on her about weeks ago so here I am, dedicating this post to her (: Right now she's stressing over exams and not flashing her big smiles anymore. Well, she better! (:

She's definitely the best sister I could ever have. We'd do stupid and funny things when we're together but the one thing we HAVE to do when we're together is CAMWHORING. It's what we do (:

She's a really great person and has a lot of friends, unlike me. (:

She'd always been there for me. ALWAYS. She'd do simple things like helping me with my blog layout, msn-ing with me and laughing at my lame jokes through MSN. She's really like a best friend to me. I remember all the times we've spent together and when I think of how we HAD to fight everyday when we were younger, I just laugh.

Years ago, I'd never believe that sisters could be THIS close. I'm lucky to have a sister that cares about me and talks to me even if she is busy. And all I can ever do to repay her is telling her lame jokes that I hope makes her laugh like a crazy person. (:

Me and her <3

We're always crazy when we're together. I love shopping with her, msn-ing with her and just telling lame jokes to her because she'll always give me that swt face of hers that makes me laugh like a maniac (:

I love her to the max. I love her so much I'd do anything for her (:
*Well, I probably have to since she has pictures of me to threaten me* haha.

I love you, Denise
Thanks for being the best sister.

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