Thursday, June 19, 2008

Stop it, PLEASE.

Second post for the day and the last until Sunday (:

Oh wow, Kundasang. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about it! (:

Was just checking my bro's blog and his post really caught my eye (: His post was a really great and funny one. Especially the part about having 1000 over friends in Friendster. I agree with everything he says and although I admit that I don't know everybody in my Friendster friendlist, it's true that I don't even send a comment to people I don't know. Just check my friendster, people who send me comments are people that I know. (:

Most of my friends have 1000 over friends in their Friendster account too and they keep opening new accounts. Then they add all the same people and open another account. Yet again. Man, it's so damn annoying.

My bro hates it when random people add him, but what pisses me off is when people keep asking each other to "can intro ma??" Oh gosh. It's always the same sentences.

"Hi..thx for da add..
mind intro ma?"

URGH. What if someone says they do mind???

I remember when I was chatting to my sis last time and I told her how it annoys me when people comment on other people's pictures. I mean, the commenting is okay but what they write is so annoying. Here's an example from the real thing:

Mi*****: New pic?? sooooo leng luiiii..kekezz..:P
Jo**: no more pretty la...
Co***: cute..
Jo**: aikz..

OK! Get what I mean? like, when someones compliments you, they go " No la, u more pretty". Oh come on! It's a compliment people. ACCEPT IT LA! Keep saying each other pretty and cute whatsoever, when will the conversation end la??

And I agree with what my sister say when she said it was irritating when people put up their picture and then the caption is like " fat"


If they think is fat or whatever, then why do they even put their pictures on the net???
Aiya, come on la! It's like they put that kind of caption, and they expect people to say like "whr got o.."

People that are self-pity. What can I say?

LOL. Sometimes I even view people's profiles just to laugh at them. I know this sounds cruel and evil, but, hey, if people want to do the same to me, I don't even care. (:

Anyway, I'll be in Kundasang while some of you people will be in school so ENJOY!

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