The trip to
Kundasang and
Mesilou was great (: I'm finally back and here's an update! I took lots of pics but I'm not gonna show all :p
Day 1Spent most of the day in a car but the weather was getting colder and colder. Basically, I sat cross-legged and curled myself up (: Reached
Mesilou Nature Resort around 6 pm. Stayed in this chalet called Witti Range. They had all these other chalets with cool names like
Crocker Range,
King Edward's,
Donkeys' Ear,
Ugly Sisters and others! And here's our dinner!

Mummy's something something rice (:

Papa's fish and chips

Renenthera salad (:

Witti!! (:
Oh yea, they had
Astro too which is awesome! Papa was actually watching something but when I took the remote and changed to Channel 411, which was HBO, he didnt chang back (: Spent that night watching
Snakes on a Plane .. .. which kinda freaked me out >.<
Day 2 Went for a short trail before we had breakfast. It was a great walk :D HAH!

Cool waterfall, huh?

This place reminds me of
Narnia, the light..forest.. (:

Trail ;)

Saw these soon-to-be-climbers- stretching and warming up (:
After all the walking, of course we went for breakfast. The breakfast was really good.

My breakfast,cereal (:

This is the view from the restaurant!

Me and the parents went for another trail again at 11.30 am but this once we have a guide. There's a lot of rare plants inside there so we really needed him (:
Everything was SO amazing up there!
Another beautiful waterfall



Monkey cup! (: SO cool!

Dried-dead monkey cup and alive monkey cup XD

See the bridge? We walked from there to where I took this (:

Another monkey cup

Cylindrical monkey cup

Our guide
Sukaibin with the
largest monkey cup in the area (:

My dad's arm and the large monkey cup (:

See the two red color thingy on the right? Those are
7-YEAR-OLD MONKEY CUPS!!! HOW CUTE! A key is even bigger!

A type of millipede ! So short and stubby and cute!

And this is it when it curles up

We also went to some shops by the roadside about an hour or so away. :)
Bought a lot of stuff there and also got some stuff for my KL friends (:
Note to denise: buying things here are BETTER than in Thailand because the owners..they discount the prices themselves! (: From rm 38 to rm 16 ! :D

Some random shot
We put our life at risks (
4 risks! ) to get to Mesilou
It was raining a bit by the time we wanted to drive back to our chalet so we had our lunch outside. We ate this restaurant by the roadside and since I wasnt very hungry, I just order a tuna sandwhich set which was

It was cold and raining. See the

"Under my umbrella--ella---ella..."

Our and the only car in the parking lot -.-
DAy 3.Day to go back! (:
Walked around the
WHOLE resort ( great exercise -.- ) and took hella lots of pics! (:

Mummy dearest :-x

Where we lived.
We also stopped by a nearby golf course and took some pics! (:
I loved the greenish of the grass :D

I saw a worm!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then there was the shops by the roadside . . .

Roses. x)

We also went to Sabah Tea and I saw this message there. Thought it was a random one so I took a pic

"Pong Pong" sounds like a cute name. (:

Sabah Tea where Sabah Tea is made!

The view from Sabah Tea Garden

HAH. My parents' backs (:

My mum's Pandan Tea

Look! I'm my mum's hp wallpaper XD

Random ang-mohs.
So we reached home around 6 because we stopped here and there. But this trip was really a fun and great one. I love the cold weather and the strong wind and most importantly, the fun me and my parents had. I also loved climbing and trekking :D
Ish. My sister called me a
baboon butt -.-