Monday, June 30, 2008


So I went to another wedding last night. A Malay wedding this time. It was a good wedding, the bride and groom were laughing a lot (: One thing about Malay weddings is that they always wait for EVERYONE to arrive before they get started on anything. Wayyy too patient. (:

We started eating about 9 last night!

I wore the exact same thing I wore to a wedding last year. Even the earrings were the same.

I woke up around 11 this morning. So late for me :S I think the fact that I woke up so late today made me extremely sleepy the whole day. I am even sleepy now. Omgosh.

Browsed through some friend's pictures in Friendster and saw some people commenting on their pictures. Well, bad-kinda comments. LOL. It is so funny. :D I saw this one bitch who commented on someone's picture telling her that if she "want to write something. better use high standard english 1st pls". LOL. Omg, it wasn't like the bitch's English was good. It was so funny and sickening.

Oh by the way, I really can't stand that person so I'll just say her name. Cristy.

(: Much better~~~~~~~~

So I'm watching some show on woman giving birth in cars. Interesting enough. (:

Saturday, June 28, 2008

9 More Days Is All I Have Left With You

Went to school today (: They have activities on Saturday so I went back to have a look and to be a busybody. Which was fun. Not much happen though. Just met some friends and bought the latest issue of Epop, which is a Chinese entertainment magazine.

Me and the parents stopped by Chocolate Rain after they picked me up at school and we ate a a lot that I skipped dinner, which is twice in a row :( We ordered something like ABC, mummy ordered peanut butter-banana toast and my father ordered a chicken pie. I forgot to take the pictures! >.<"
But it was ALL oh-so delicious! x)

SO there is this big big beehive outside my house lately. We wanted to get rid of it and we did. Well, our maid's son helped us. He wore a raincoat and used a thick plastic bag to cover his head yet he still got bitten. :/

So there is no beehive now! (:

I remember when I was about 6 and I saw a really big beehive and I told my mum, "Mummy what is that? Looks like a chicken. What is a chicken doing on the roof?"

Sounds so stupid but I think it's cute (:

Aussino is available now is Sandakan! You guys know the shop that sells bedsheets and stuff? Well, it opened today! (: Me and the parents went after Chocolate Rain and bought so many stuff that we spent over *beeps*

Anyway, I have a new bedsheet now so I'm happy!

Friday, June 27, 2008



Bitchy ex-classmate.

Huh. I woke up early this morning to go exercising. I'm proud to say that I've got 17 slam-dunks this morning at the basketball court. Well, not slam-dunks, but the balls went in (:

Had breakfast with Aunty Mylene this morning, a close friend of my mum, and we had stuff like dim-sums and paos. Kinda my faves (: The three of us talked for quite a long time since there were stuff to talk about.

So I went back to my previous school today. Some people think as though I go back to see them and then they start to get on my nerves. Man, they are so perasan.

So there was this girl I've hated since YEARS. Well, not face-to-face kinda hate but I just dislike her attitude. She's those kind of person who says something without thinking about how others will feel and it's as if she's so perfect. Her boyfriend ( or maybe ex-boyfriend now ) bought her stuff and then she was like, "It's not even nice! I can get better one myself!". Owh -

Saw her today and she was like, scanning me or something. Looked at me from the head to my toe. -.- Wat the. I know she is thinner and taller lah, but I'm prettier okay. (:
She's in the Dancing Society and she's always dancing no matter where she is. Acts as if she is so thin like that, when she also has tulam lo. Stop acting la, Miss Kong.

AH, just needed to vent my anger (:

Thursday, June 26, 2008

As Strong As You Are

No current for a while justnow. This is the first time that it's happened since I've been back and I can seriously say that it'd really improved. I remember once when my sis came back from Aus, it started raining and then no electricity and all those stuff. It was funny. x)

I can't believe I'm having one of those days again. Days when I feel like a complete failure and loser, powerless to do anything at all. Guess everyone feels like that once in a while. Well, it's happening to me almost everyday.

Came across this in Google image and it's everything about me right now.

The week after the next and I'll be going back already. Man, time is passing so fast. I remember the first time I left for KL, the feeling was terrible. I felt seriously lonely and depressed. I'd be wondering what my friends were doing and what I'd left out on, the things I was supposed to be doing with them. I worry about my friends I left in Sandakan changing and getting used to me not being here and finding another person to replace me. These thoughts are haunting me all the time even now. But I'm glad that hasn't happen yet. (:

So I got my right ear pierced two days ago
. Well, it is already pierced but I got a second pierced earhole for it. (: I'm so happy and glad! I did it for fun and to enjoy the pain x)

I watched Living Lohan on YouTube last night and it was so funny. It's so.. how just because they are rich, they can be all dramatic and have everything their way. Oh well.

Went exercise again this morning and saw two DANG YUCKY snails which my mum, of course, killed. (:

I am so bored.
I am depressed.
I am angry.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Like what my sis said in her blog, we webcam-ed last night and did lots of random things. We started off chatting and then we start webcaming.

This was her idea. To make me write that I love her -.-
And instead of writing my name, she named me baboon butt.

ish. beh-tahan!

If you can read our conversation, then you'd see how random and lame we are and what lame things we chat about XD

I don't love BEAN! (:
And she looks so cute sticking that paper on her face (:

This is the Art of Pushing and Pulling Your Face. Discovering how flexible your cheeks can be and how they can make you cute (me) and look desperate ( bean ).


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mesilou/ Mesilau

The trip to Kundasang and Mesilou was great (: I'm finally back and here's an update! I took lots of pics but I'm not gonna show all :p

Day 1

Spent most of the day in a car but the weather was getting colder and colder. Basically, I sat cross-legged and curled myself up (: Reached Mesilou Nature Resort around 6 pm. Stayed in this chalet called Witti Range. They had all these other chalets with cool names like Crocker Range, King Edward's, Donkeys' Ear, Ugly Sisters and others! And here's our dinner!

Mummy's something something rice (:

Papa's fish and chips

My Renenthera salad (:

Witti!! (:

Oh yea, they had Astro too which is awesome! Papa was actually watching something but when I took the remote and changed to Channel 411, which was HBO, he didnt chang back (: Spent that night watching Snakes on a Plane .. .. which kinda freaked me out >.< Day 2

Went for a short trail before we had breakfast. It was a great walk :D HAH!

Cool waterfall, huh?

This place reminds me of Narnia, the light..forest.. (:

Trail ;)

Saw these soon-to-be-climbers- stretching and warming up (:

After all the walking, of course we went for breakfast. The breakfast was really good.

My breakfast,cereal (:

This is the view from the restaurant!

Me and the parents went for another trail again at 11.30 am but this once we have a guide. There's a lot of rare plants inside there so we really needed him (: Everything was SO amazing up there!

Another beautiful waterfall



Monkey cup! (: SO cool!

Dried-dead monkey cup and alive monkey cup XD

See the bridge? We walked from there to where I took this (:

Another monkey cup

monkey cup

Our guide Sukaibin with the largest monkey cup in the area (:

My dad's arm and the large monkey cup (:

See the two red color thingy on the right? Those are 7-YEAR-OLD MONKEY CUPS!!! HOW CUTE! A key is even bigger!

A type of millipede ! So short and stubby and cute!

And this is it when it curles up

We also went to some shops by the roadside about an hour or so away. :)
Bought a lot of stuff there and also got some stuff for my KL friends (:

Note to denise: buying things here are BETTER than in Thailand because the owners..they discount the prices themselves! (: From rm 38 to rm 16 ! :D

Some random shot
We put our life at risks ( 4 risks! ) to get to Mesilou

It was raining a bit by the time we wanted to drive back to our chalet so we had our lunch outside. We ate this restaurant by the roadside and since I wasnt very hungry, I just order a tuna sandwhich set which was SERIOUSLY DELICIOUS

It was cold and raining. See the mist?

"Under my umbrella--ella---ella..."

Our and the only car in the parking lot -.-

DAy 3.

Day to go back! (:
Walked around the WHOLE resort ( great exercise -.- ) and took hella lots of pics! (:

Mummy dearest :-x

Where we lived.

We also stopped by a nearby golf course and took some pics! (:
I loved the greenish of the grass :D

I saw a worm!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then there was the shops by the roadside . . .

Roses. x)


We also went to Sabah Tea and I saw this message there. Thought it was a random one so I took a pic

"Pong Pong" sounds like a cute name. (:

Sabah Tea where Sabah Tea is made!

The view from Sabah Tea Garden

HAH. My parents' backs (:

My mum's Pandan Tea

Look! I'm my mum's hp wallpaper XD

Random ang-mohs.

So we reached home around 6 because we stopped here and there. But this trip was really a fun and great one. I love the cold weather and the strong wind and most importantly, the fun me and my parents had. I also loved climbing and trekking :D

Ish. My sister called me a baboon butt -.-