Monday, October 12, 2009

the kiss.

"the kiss" by auguste rodin.

I'm studying the sculpture above for History class and have to make a presentation about it by next Monday. I'm also studying the emo culture for History :)

It's so hard to believe, that there are only 7 more weeks left for me and the rest of the students who are graduating. We had a meeting today after school about studying in CIMP next year. Tomorrow, we'll be wearing the graduation robes and take a group picture altogether. This has gotten me thinking, my high school life is actually coming to an end. 7 more weeks, and I'll be packing my room into a luggage and finding a new place to live in, and going to a new place to study, new environment.

This friday is a holiday. I'm flying down to Penang this coming Thursday at night so I'm heading off to the airport almost an hour after school. So, there's been a lot of talk about the school prom :) These are a few of "who's going with who" :)


-No, i'm not mention ;)

this week is going to pass by real fast. And then 6 weeks left. Ah gosh, time flies.

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