; if time would just stop for a moment.
And yes, Friday is finally here! I feel kinda relaxed as I passed up quite a number of homework that were due today and for next week, like the drama and bm homework. Albeit I have some other assignments to do over this weekend, they are quite minor, so no worries! :)
Today was also dress down today. We'll be having dress down for the rest of the Fridays in October to help raise money for prom. Each person has to pay RM3 if they dress down. I did dress down, so there goes one RM3. Prom has to happen!
For lunch today, I did the "Jia Kai'. I went vegetarian :D I havent been eating a lot of veggies these days so I better start.
I just came back almost an hour ago. I was at a church with Celine and few other students from our school. Why, you ask, was I in a church AT NIGHT when I'm NOT CHRISTIAN? Very simple, there was a Christian band alllll the way from Sydney, Australia tonight. They were gonna play some songs and all those stuff. I must say, their music is pretty good. ;) Halfway through, Celine's dad came and so we had to go back. But all in all, it's been a good experience.
And like what Nadira said in her blog, there will be an SIS Idol + Dance Competition on the same night! What I thought was that the guys in our gang (Cedric, Jia Kai, Mark, Mahendra, Hatso, Clarence, and Adilet ) would be dancing to "Barbie Girl". But when I double checked justnow, instead they are going to SING to "Barbie Girl" ??? Haha, either way, it's going to be interesting to watch!
History class has been pretty interesting this whole week, we finished watching Schindler's List and today we watched a documentary on interviews on the Holocaust survivors. It's amazing to hear them talk from their very own experience, actually, because when I watched it in class justnow, the way they told their stories could actually make me feel like I was there, witnessing it all. After watching the movie and studying more about the Holocaust, I felt just sick to my stomach. What the people did to the Jews, it was beyond inhuman.
Ah, I'm tired and feeling sleepy. :)
Monday all the graduates will be taking a group pictureee. I saw the graduating costume few days ago! :o