Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ah, today is an excellent day. :) I've completed my homework at school during study period, met a new friend, and got a very random call from someone. :D All in one day. hehe. Not to mention Sean and Munyee came to see us again.

Anyway, school started as usual and then lunch and yadda yadda. English is definitely the most interesting class today. We started classes today and we were going to learn poems first. So Mr Gregory said that we were going out of the school to the uni campus. We ended walking to the middle of the field and 15 of us students including the teacher were standing in a circle. Hot sun. But healthy.

Mr Gregory: This might be familiar to some of you, but to some of you who do not know what it is, this is the sun *pointing at it* And it's healthy to get some sun after being in SIS the whole day.

Nadira: Actually it's not you could get skin cancer.

Anyway, so Mr Gregory gave each of us a short poem that we had to read out to everyone. Amanda's one was so short, i bet it was just a quote or something. -.- After we did that, Mr Gregory explained how poets wrote their poems in places where no one can disturb them or something like that. Then he asked each of us to take 15 steps back.

So we were really far from each other. Mr Gregory then told us to read our poems again, in a loud and clear voice that could be heard by everyone.

Hehe. So yeah it was a fun. But it was only for 20 minutes. :|

But I have a hostel meeting I have to go in 10 minutes so I better get going! (:

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