Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Damn, feels good to be back.

And tomorrow, my sister will be here! (:

My aunt woke me up around 6.30 this morning. But I remember waking up at 6.05 and sending one sms to Adilet wishing both of us a safe flight since he was flying back today too. Random, much? When I finally woke up at 6.30, I wasnt very sure if I was dreaming or I really did send the sms.

Anyhoo, received this sms from Adilet around ten something saying that he was gonna board the plane in a few minutes. Replied, and went back to kacau-ing and playing with my cousins.

In the plane, I sat beside this older man who snored almost throughout the whole flight. He wasn't right beside me. He was sitting at the window sit and me in the front one. So the middle seat was empty. I slept too, but woke up to eat the sandwhich I bought :) Then slept again. I had no idea when was what time so I just waited for the pilot to announce when we were arriving.

Hugged my parents when I arrived. Missed them a lot :))

Hey Denise, can't wait to see you tomorrow! (; Tomorrow is also my oldest bro's 22nd birthday!

Two random pics from today:

If you can't tell, it's a "dried-out" playing mantis.

Random car plate.

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