Tuesday, June 16, 2009

14 questions.

currently listening to; Miley Cyrus - Goodbye.

insomnia. the inability to sleep. i never really got them though, but i thought i did. some nights i spend hours thinking about "what if's" and things that could happen. I always ask myself questions which me myself can't answer because it is not for me to answer. It's the kind of questions you wouldn't really want to ask someone because then it is awkward. What questions do you ask yourself? I always ask myself, and i mean always;

am i appreciated? | what is my purpose in life? | do you think of me? | what am i really doing here? | would i ever live to see what i really want to see in my life? | is this the life that i want? | what would happen to us all? | would it make a difference if i had not existed? | will there be a miracle in my life? | would i ever meet the one? | what would happen to me? | when would criticisms stop? | is everything i do ever enough? | whatever happened to the dancer in me 8 years ago? |

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