Friday, November 27, 2009

; we danced. we danced!

'; i have to say, prom last night was a blast! Total awesomeness. All the pretty ladies and handsome gentlemen ;) It was amazing. Lots of pictures taken. I have around 300 over pictures. My camera died when it came to the dancing time so that sucked. But who cares, everyone was dancing like crazzzzzy! For the first 20 minutes over I danced with my heels. After that I just threw put heels at one side. Man, I've never danced so much and so long and sweat so much in my whole life. Everyone was high and just dancing away like crazy! :D Even the teachers danced with us! :)

Prom was interesting too as there were performances by students and there were a couple of videos, one made by me, shown to the school. Isaac, Syeyi, and Sonia gave the valedictorian speech. It was touching :)

Prom ended around 12 midnight. Tho me and 10 other people stayed back to hang out and just cherish these last few moments. For the guys, it was really emotional. They were all crying. Me, Syu and Shima were just looking. After that, we all headed to the nearest KFC and sat there, talked and joked until around 2am. Those who were there were me, Jia Kai, Hatso, Syeyi, Cedric, Adilet, Hooman, Syuyi, Farid, and Shima.

Yesterday was also the last day of school. Like I say, exams would be on the coming Monday until Wednesday. I really have to study for Biology and History, two major subjects. :/

;right before

; amanda wong.

; mostafa :)

; Olly and Dias!!!

; Cedric, my date.

; mostafa with the ladies

; jia kai and amiera :D

; and him again.

; a crazy bunch of us. ;)

; Hatso Madagascar!

; happy 4 friends @ prom.

; Oh! Clarence


; Mostafa

; Syu and Farid.

;Adilet and yours truly.


; shimmy shima

; shoe.

; as a couple, we shall take lots of pictures. :)


; Mr Smajda rocks!

; Eunice.

; Mr Owen!

; Mori ;)

; Mark Teoh.

; Febri

; Jesselyn

; JFK.

; all the graduates. spot me :)

; Dias and Olllllly.

; Yasamine

; Dearest Ms Rani.
; Amanda, Megan, me, Stephanie

; Fayed.

; Ms Shannon. :D

; Cedric.

; crazy people.

; right before we started dancing.

; after this picture, my camera died. -.-

But then again! I had so much fun, especially dancing :) My legs and toes are so sore and aching now. I see red spots all over :\ Gah, but it was for fun so it's worth it :)

It's all so surreal. Seems just like yesterday I just joined SIS and swoosh, two years have past and now it's time to leave and go somewhere else and start new again. Well not really in my case as most people from the gang are going to CIMP too, anyway, but no doubt certain things will definitely change.

Like we say, SIS was a very fun ride and a worthwhile journey.

1 comment:

Denise said...

woo hoo!! u look pretty as always and u look nice!! :-) great that u had fun!!