Now rewind rewind, I remember the first day when we arrived Alor Star. One thing I loved about staying with my grandma was that she is this really fun person. Right when we arrived, I straightaway kacau-ed her. I hid behind this "tiang" while my brother went to the gate to see our grandma. She was asking where I was, and my brother lied that my parents stopped me from having this holiday because of my marks. It was so funny. All of sudden, I jumped out from behind the "tiang" and shocked my grandma! :D Haha, I sound so bad lah. -.- After that, I showed her my tattoos. She was wondering whether it was real. I lied to her and said it WAS real and they cost RM150. My brother played along and did his best to convince her that it was real. She had this really weird look on her face, the look that says "Is it real or not?". At the end, she was like "Don't lie to me lah you two, I know it is fake one." -.-"
Then my brother went to the fridge to get a drink. He got a cola tin, if I am not mistaken:
Brother: *goes to fridge and takes out the drink*
Grandma: Ahh! What you drink? Wine arr..!
Brother: *laughs* What wine oooo..soft drink lah!
Then after that we were talking about wine. -.-"
Not to mention I hurt myself the day I arrived in Alor Star. I scratched my foot on this door at the house. It was so painful :( Just look at the picture! I told my grandma and kacau-ed her:
Anita: Ah ma, you see.
Grandma: ahhh Xiao more careful lah..
Anita: *evil smile* When my parents call, I tell them you hit me one.
Grandma: ...
Haha, my grandma is the coolest! (: She even cooked all me and my bro's favorite dishes, of course thanks to my mum, too. My mum called my grandma and told her what we liked to eat and even asked her to do some jelly for us. Awww.. *crying touched* :')
Brother playing lil cousin's toy.
Not to mention I bought two novels during this trip! (: The first one is [ The Pact, by Jodi Picoult ] and the second one is [ Norwegian Wood, by Haruki Murakami ]. I havent started reading the second one yet but am done with the first one! (: So nice! But it was those kind of novel that will make you think quite a lot. The night that I finished the novel, I was thinking a lot about the novel. The story was like a real-life situation for me. -.-" And I found it hard to sleep, too because in the middle of the night, there were two noisy cats just outside the house. The were meow-ing so terribly loud, I swear.
Come, we emo together. We like to think. (:
I come from an emo family.
SIGH. I am feeling so down today. My father called me and he thought I was tired because of my tone. And no, I am not tired. I slept in the taxi all the way from the airport to the hostel la. (: School again tomorrow. SIGH.
I still can't stop this self-worthelessness.
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