Happy Halloween everyone! Today was so much fun and I think I got a bit high. Yesterday we were all wondering what other people will dress as, and almost everyone looked scary today! (: Especially me! hehe. We started the day by running the Terry Fox Run and ran around the Sunway field for an hour. Imagine the whole school running together! Aaaah it was fun! Sean even splashed water at people! :) And because of that he got Mr Owen chasing him! Hahaha.
At 10 we walked back to our school and got ready to dress up for Halloween! :) There were so many girls in the toilet changing and make up-ing. We were all helping each other and the teacher even had to call us for about 5 times to get back to class in time. I think we were at least inside the bathroom for 20 minutes or half an hour!
At last we came out from that toilet and all dressed. I wasnt sure what i was, but I decided to be this DEAD EMO GIRL. There people dressed as Joker, Cookie Monster, and so much more! I've took pictures! I have 350 of them. -.- But here are part of it! Hehe!
We also got to write our name all over the wall! :)
The teacers even dressed up! Mr Owen was wearing a big hammer on his head, Mr Smajda a "robotic" arm and a gun, Mrs Smajda as the Paper Princess ( absolutely adorable!!! ), Ms Kym as a vampire, Mr Gregory as Caesar, and Ms Gandhi as a Samurai!