Jamestown Story :)
I just discovered...
JAMESTOWN STORY!!! (: Through panictothemusic!
I love their song, "Goodbye I'm sorry"
their chorus -
"And I'm sorry,
But I've waited too long,
So here's my goodbye,
No one will cry over me,
I'm not worth any tears"The songs on my phone are a little out of date, so I was just googling some music and downloaded some random ones, which I all like!
Anyway, I called my parents yesterday (: Had a nice 30-minute talk on the phone! That's usually how long our calls are (:
I currently have sore throat, and still I have a presentation tomorrow!
Man I better get well!
Jamestown Story :)
I just discovered...
JAMESTOWN STORY!!! (: Through panictothemusic!
I love their song, "Goodbye I'm sorry"
their chorus -
"And I'm sorry,
But I've waited too long,
So here's my goodbye,
No one will cry over me,
I'm not worth any tears"The songs on my phone are a little out of date, so I was just googling some music and downloaded some random ones, which I all like!
Anyway, I called my parents yesterday (: Had a nice 30-minute talk on the phone! That's usually how long our calls are (:
I currently have sore throat, and still I have a presentation tomorrow!
Man I better get well!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
So yeah, Halloween night is finally over! I just realized when I came back from MOS how my tests on Monday are going to be screwed. Well, just one of the tests because I did almost-enough study for the other subject. And there are still presentations are all sorts of stuff to do next week. I feel like my life is falling apart
But I'm catching up! Oh yes I am! (: We had BM test on Friday so we didn't really had the time to get dress and be on time. Me and Syu went over to Shima's cousins place to get ready (: It was fun cuz i was all girls and all make up-y stuff
Ruvina helping me draw the spider web :)
While putting our make up. Shima went as a vampire so she superglued the fangs to her teeth. And she got Superglue all over the floor and for a moment, two of my toes were superglued! Shima!
Syu went as this gothic punk rock emo chick. She totally pulled off the look, with a fake nose pierce as well :)
Here we are going to college. Total lateness!
Rum in the car (: We all passed it around and i actually liked it :)
love the make up (:
We arrived at college around 9, when the part really started around 6.30 or 7. I don't think we missed a lot because when we got in, people were practically just standing around. And there was music here and there. Nevertheless, there were some people who dressed up real good! Real impressive stuff :)
Lisa :)
Yosceline :)
Stephanie God :)
Samar :)
Wei Han and Jon :)
Kash :)
With Amir, Homa and Cedriccc! (:
Unfortunately, we weren't in college for very long because everyone started to leave and head out to MOS. Some just went to makan. Shima definitely had a hard time parking. We found a spot but there was this guy who asked us to park in a specific way. I think Shima took a little bit too long and he just asked us to move away!
What is that, eh??? Still we managed to find a parking spot and tadaaaaaaaaaaaa went inside MOS!
Didn't really enjoy the clubbing, music wasn't good to my ears and well it was kinda boring when all you can do is talk, dance or drink. Neh, didn't like the experience at all. Maybe I will a little later, ohws (:
At least I got my sex on the beach! :D
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
i got nails.
I think it's because of how my make up looks here!
However, I could only design my right nails since I'm left-handed. See, I don't have steady hands and I can't do anything with my right hand :( Kinda sad, but I think I have to start using my right hand!
Yeah they're not that good but I like 'em! (:
I woke up pretty early today, at around 6.30am but I already had at least 8 hours of sleep. I sleep pretty early, I'm not a nocturnal person you see :) So i just got up, ate some stuff, and read some stuff. It's a pretty relaxing feeling, you should try it :D
Oh wells, Im going to watch some How I Met Your Mother now :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
; so promise me.

and what with the make up!
This is the kind of make up I want to try in the future!

The pretty colors and lashes.
Told you bright colors is what I want to try (:

I STILL love her make up until today
But I think her make up looks so good only on her. :(
I'm currently having a break now, and I'm always at the computer lab after having lunch. Call me a stalker, but I was browsing through some friends' Facebook pages and I realized that so many of them are overseas. I didn't even know, and suddenly you see pictures of them in Australia, in Europe, in England. It's crazy! (: I have to admit, I get a little jealous. I cannot wait to go to those places to study as well! (: Unfortunately, I probably still have to wait for a year or two, or half hopefully :)
For next year, I've made up my mind to study in university majoring in Psych and minoring in Communication studies/ Media studies - how different universities call them. I still don't get why my parents do not want me to apply for the two possible universities that I am definitely going to, seeing that I am going to be stuck in Malaysia for next year still. They want me to explore first, and I get what they mean but I just don't know what else to explore for since I've been doing research on universities for almost 2 months, and narrowed down to 2 universities. So why not just apply for them both? What else is there to explore? It's kinda silly I'm still waiting here since I already made up my mind. shush. :(
Long story short -
I CANNOT wait to get out of college. And I want to faster know which university I will go to eventually.
; here again (:
Halloween is this Frrr-friday! I won't say what I am going as as it is still pretty much not confirmed but I have an idea (: I can't say I'm very excited for the event. This year definitely isn't the best time of my life. Geh, screw college.
I'm crazy about make up now! Okay, you probably think how I can be crazy about that now when all this while I've been using make up. Well, I'm ready to try more colors :) Bright colors, I wanna try you!
And then the exams are coming. Finals, man! I've got a pretty good exam schedule so I bet I can study enough for all3 subjects (:
And then...
Anyhoos, World Issues class is starting (: gottago!