Wednesday, September 30, 2009
so much drama, so little time.
High school dramas and the gossips make life so much more interesting.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It was raining like mad just a couple of minutes ago. Me and Amiera were on our way to have lunch and we only had an umbrella with us. The rain was really, really heavy plus there was lightning and strong wind. We stepped into a puddle of rainwater and got our pants wet.
It made me remember about that rainy night on February 28 this year.
It was the first night that me, Amiera, Jia Kai, Cedric and Frans hung out together after a rainy night. I remember it was me and Amiera eating and it was raining very heavily like today too, and we called Jia Kai to bring us an umbrella. And somehow he came with Cedric who brought a super big umbrella. I think the story went something like that? :)
Anyway, all of us were soaking wet by the time we got back to hostel. We all took our baths and decided to meet at Cosy Corner to hang out and watch a movie and to play monopoly. That was the night that started this awesome friendship and also known as our movie nights. :)
Now, I really miss that night.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
; those were the days that changed my life.
One thing I do not like about this year is probably the fact that it is nothing like last year's. Though I have to say this year is also awesome itself, last year was in fact amazing and the time where I started having a proper group of friends. It was when I started to feel more comfortable with myself and the people around me, it was when I really felt safe and comfortable being away from home.
I have to say, the friends I made last year made a change in my life. There were a lot of things we did and talked about. Truth to be told, they're the best kind of friends I first knew existed. No offence to my friends back home, but the ones from here are totally different from the friends back home. There were a lot more that I experienced when I made friends here.
I was thinking about last year - and decided to look at the pictures from last year and to blog about it. Maybe, i was hoping, to revive those moments.
i remember;
; syu cooking lunch for us while we baked cakes for the graduates.
; shopping with Manda, Syu, and Shima before we baked cakes.
; practicing our dance moves with Mun Yee leading us ;)
; the group picture taken on Adilet's bday that was so hard to capture.
; making the school name with our bodies.
; chu ching's spongebob pencil case.
; syu, nadira and I got splashed by water :D
; crazy camwhoring sessions in bm class.
; hanging out with chu ching and the rest.
; Na Eun and I dead tired and sweating after a trek.

; hanging out with Sean. :)

; wearing those sports attires every morning for P.E.
; the fun we had on Halloween.
; being on the rooftop with Amanda.
; Mun Yee and Sean's papermade camera!
; the night on the monkey bar.
; graduation in water. ;)
; trying out dresses with Ms Manda at Forever 21

; this group picture after school's very first SIS Idol.

; after the basketball match.

; sean liking this picture a lot.
; this awesome group picture :)
; goofing around and posing.
; the cake we made for Sean, Munyee and Chu Ching..
; business class, sitting next to Amanda.
; that very night where the joy ended.
It's safe to say there are a lot that I remember about. Watching videos and looking at pictures, just wondering where have those moments went. I've drifted apart from most people in these pictures. We're still friends, but we do not hang out with each other, talk to each other like how we all used to before. 3 of them have graduated, and though we try our best to chat and find time to hang out, clearly things are not the same. The rest I walk past them in the school hallway, and all we say is "Hi" and "Bye". Or maybe just giving each other a small wave.
And though I hate that this is happening, there is no one to blame for it. Time and studies are the main stuff that drift us apart. Some of us do not have classes together and our timetables just do not go along. It's sad, actually, that a lot of us are drifting apart. I do not really know what is happening anymore in their lives. And sometimes it is not that I do not make the effort to bring the friendship closer, but sometimes I admit I do not want to, and sometimes it is just that I can't. It has to work both sides.
But i guess things sometimes change for better things. maybe.
This year, i've made loads of new friends who eventually have become my close and best friends too. It would be wrong to say that these new friends replace the old friends, but they have definitely fill in their spaces when there is nothing there.
but these pictures - those moments;
were the days that changed my life.
; I can hear you.
with celine soon; @ pyramid.
Whooo, the lack of updates! I've been pretty busy and tiring myself out lately. I came back from my uncle's place on Wednesday and stayed over at Celine's two nights ago. :) I love her dog! He's so cute and so white and fluffy! We ate a lot of junk food while watching Just My Luck at her place. That night, we stayed up talking until 3.30am before we went to sleep. And we woke up at 8 in the morning the next morning -.-
My brother flew back to Sandakan yesterday too, and my mum sent me a text message saying they are going to this nice place to eat dim sum for breakfast, asking me whether I wanted to join. Luckily I'm not the kind of people of live to eat, or else I would have taken a flight back straightaway. :)
Black Eyed Peas' concert was also last night! But no, I didnt go. I did, however, heard their concert from my hostel room! :) I could hear them performing 'Where Is The Love", "Boom Boom Pow", "Don't Phunk With My Heart", "I Got A Feeling" and some others. ;) I could hear Will.I.Am shouting to the crowd and Fergie's solo in "Pump It". It was kinda cool. A part of me wished I could be there in the crowd, shouting and cheering along. I guess it's one feeling being there at the actual concert, and another feeling being somewhere close listening to the concert but not being able to be there.
The ending ceremony for their concert was pretty cool. There were hundreds of pretty fireworks and I was looking out from my window at the fireworks. Really, really pretty and awesome! :)
A lot of concerts are coming up in the next few months -
2-10-09 - Boys Like Girls, Lenka, and Paul Freeman.
10-10-09 - All American Rejects
24-10-09 - Akon
25-10-09 - Beyonce.
I'm hoping to go to at least one of these. :(
Ah, this makes me remember about Rihanna's concert. It was supposed to be in February this year but it is postponed. It's been more than 6 months and it still is not here yet. Amanda has helped us all get a refund for the concert tickets money. The excitement I had for the concert already died down months ago. ._.
Anyway, I have to redo my assignment as I did them wrongly. Nothing big, though. Will take me only about 20 minutes?
School starting on Monday - this holiday passed really quickly for me. :\ Didnt do a lot for this holiday and it was kinda boring.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
; your nose.
today I went to one of the most famous towers of Kuala Lumpur - twin towers.
and again, I went there today. however, I did some shopping today - i got myself a magazine and a Nicholas Sparks book. It's been a while since I've spent my money.
I woke up at 9.21 this morning because I slept at 2 plus in the morning. Watched Sepet by the late Yasmin Ahmad. Gah, sad sad love movie. :( I was almost crying myself.
twin tower, ya'll know.
did a little bit of camwhoring.
you see, i've been neglecting myself lately.
my two purchases of the day.
listening to - Owl City.
While at Kinokuniya justnow, I tried looking for the Postsecret book. I got help from the information centre and wow-wow-wow guess what? They have it! I wanted to buy it. But it costs rm88 and rm103. -.- I'd be broke if I bought them. Gah, so I just left them seeing that I read Postsecret every Sunday anyway.
Bumped into a very rude girl justnow. Quite a big girl too, I'd say she was about - 12 to 15? Or maybe slightly older? Either way, she's a teenager. We were walking past Sakae Sushi and I think her dad was suggesting they eat there or something, and she made this sick vomiting sound. It's so disgusting. I looked at her in disgust and thought, "ew". Plus she made it so loud. Then she bumped into me. Siao lang.
Had Haagan Daaz today too :) And then Aunty Anne's. today's pretty good plus the weather too.
-the color that you visualize.
Monday, September 21, 2009
take my hand, we're leaving here tonight

; i was there, 23. :) i was there.
I've been doing a lot, and I meant A LOT of sleeping this holiday, especially after coming and staying over at my uncle's. My eyes are red today, could be lack of sleep or maybe I overslept? I slept at 2 in the morning last night 'cuz I was online and chatting away with people. :)
Went to KLCC today and managed to watch G Force with my aunt and the little cousins. Truthfully, the movie isnt as good as I thought it would be. Sure, the guinea pigs are cute - but the actions and everything made them not so cute. :\
"no one's left to stop you now".
Sunday, September 20, 2009
; jia kai, you sexy beast.
' the hari raya post.
Selamat Hari Raya! :) Though I think it's too late for me to say this but the day has not end yet, right? :) Everyone else is already asleep in this house. There's something nice about being online at night when everything else is quiet. Plus music playing :)
I went swimming with the cousins in the evening. It wasn't that much of a fun, the water was ice cold, probably from the rain. But at least I got to do a little bit of exercise. :) that feels good. I decided to stop swimming and head back when my little cousin told me he saw a snail in a nearby bush. ._.
Here are some pictures I took of today and from yesterday :)
it was raining heavily yesterday.
i love this picture.
my cousins have 4 little tortoises.
sleeping cuties :)
me in the red baju kurung today :D
my uncle and his family ;)
i took the liberty of taking their family picture.
say hi to Khalisa :)
' swing swing!
Ibrahim's famous "peace-in-the-eye" sign.
someone really loves the swing, eh?
I find this picture rather cute!
Mohammed :)
ahhh so cute.
I told Ibrahim to smile.
this is how he smiles.
reminds me of my brother, Jiansheng.
Mohd was pulling Ibrahim like a floor mat. :D
Ibrahim was laughing, friggin cuteeee!
The plan tomorrow is to go to KLCC, plus I also need to go fix and make my spectacles tighter. Since some dude kicked soccer ball last Saturday at me and hit my face hard. ._. Yes, I dont think I mention that in my earlier post. But yes, this happened.
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