Overall, I'd say today is pretty good. :) What more, it's Syeyi's 17th today! The celebration all went ggggrrreeeaaattt and hanging out with the gang is greatest. :) We all sang her Happy Birthday for Open Mic and made her wear a sign over her neck that says "It's my birthday today". Haha. :) it was great. I also made her a card and the whole gang got her tons of presents.
So we celebrated Syeyi's bday at Tony Roma's in Pyramid. We were there for quite long, just eating and talking. After that the rest of the gang went back to school except for me and Cedric. We decided to watch a movie, The Proposal. It's a greatttt movie :) So romantic! Though the couple behind us - so annoying!
After the movie we went to get some stuff that Amiera needed. Then we headed back to school and saw Mano there - chatted and talked for a while - then went back to the hostel.
Pictures! :D
Guess who braided for me??
BM class :)
Mori and Lia's fingers. :)
dum dum di dum.
Here's the sign! :D
All of us except Adilet.

The Proposal. :)