Today is a day of hellos and goodbye. Today is the last day of school for this semester. Gah, it is so sad and emotional. :( The day started by me taking pictures already! We discussed about the semester and took class pictures in most classes. I also got my timetable for next sem - it's messed up. I am SO NOT going to take Marketing! But the rest of the day went very fast.
I also made a card for Mr Smajda on behalf of all the students in our BTA class :) I was the one who gave him the card. woohoo.
Open mic was after we cleaned our locker. We had the longest open mic ever! :)
We went to chill out at Rock Cafe after that with Mr Smajda and Mr Owen. I left earlier though, I didnt really belong there. :\ but oh wells. ;)

Ola, Park, Olen, Su Ryeon. :)

Ahmad, Wenyi, Carissa.

Na Eun, Sonia and Ji Yun

Farid, Hatso and James

Pasta Syafiqah's mum brought to school ;)
yum yum!


English class picture with Mr Gregory :)

my fucking timetable! Oh no marketing is not going to happen!

Psychology class picture with Ms Gandhi :)

Tram .

Jon AU.

Amiera, Kevin and i

Us with Ms Collins. she's leaving :(

Hatsooooo Madagascar! :D


I have no idea why the mascot came to our school!
I just took a picture! :D

Shima Shimy

Adilet Tursyn.

Aaron Tan

Jun ming.

Essi was the host for Open Mic today ;D

The Lohs - paul, pauline, eunice.

Ms Gandhi, my psychology teacher

Mr Smajda

Najwa :)

There you go! the card!

Hanging out with Mr Smajda.


and then Mr Owen arrived.

Syeyi and her camcorder :D

Mr Owen and the guys in the gang.
they're uhm. nah, its a secret.


and drinks.
the reason I left. -.-
I can't believe this semester is actually over. except for the exams, that is. Gosh, time passes so damn fast. :(