Avril concert tickets! (:
So there were 5 of us: me, Amanda, SianShern, Sean, and Jin. We all met at Amanda's house and I was the earliest with Jin so we played her Wii sports game thing again until Sean and SianShern arrived. We left her house at 5.30 and reached Stadium Merdeka at 6pm. The concert was gonna start at 8.45 but - just to be safe!

SianShern, Amanda, Me, Sean, and Jin! Right at the entrance of the stadium! (:
THE QUEUE WAS SOOOOO LONG! Yea, it was so damn long. Sean and Jin went to walk around and me and Amanda and SianShern did too after they came back. Saw a couple of friends and I even saw Shannon Yu and Qiqi from IAG CAMP!!!!! Shannon is a coach and Qiqi was my participant during the August IAG camp this year. There was also this guy who was speaking over the microphone - tv reporters - live interviews with random people who were in the line! (: It was just crazy man, sorry I cant help it - it IS my first real concert anyways! (:

This is the line where were in!
This TV reporter even came up to Amanda and wanted to interview her but Amanda was S.H.Y and so, haha she refused. XD . Then the guy who were speaking over the microphone was announcing something about Avril living in the US and Amanda went up to him and said "But she was born in Canada" . The guy fired her back by saying that she WAS born in Canada but she's living in the US now. - OVER THE MICROPHONE! HAHA IT WAS SOOO FUNNY!
Anyways, so we waited in the line from like, 6 to 7 and then we were allowed to went in, after showing our tickets of course! (: Right after we went inside the stadium, me and Amanda rushed to the front place - which was great cause there wasnt anyone blocking our view! (: And I also went to the toilet before that! Tee-hee!
Well, it started raining - drizzling first then raining a bit. We were then given these plastic raincoats. -.- So amazing. We were under the rain from 7 .15 to 9! Imagine that! Me, Amanda, and SianShern talked about random stuff to kill time. Sean and Jin werent that close to us, they were about two people away from us.

Amanda, SianShern, and I in the raincoats! -.-
The stadium was actuall very, very bright and the opening act for the concert was terrible! It was someguy who sang "This Love" by Maroon 5. His voice was awesome but I had no idea who he is! Then after that the WHOLE stadium turned dark. All the lights were off, and then there were these 4 people who were running on the stage carrying Avril flags. Then AVRIL WAS THERE ON STAGE WITH ALL THE AMAZING LIGHTS! It was such a cool entrance! Especially the flags part! Her first song straightaway was "Girlfriend". Some other songs she performed were Losing Grip, Complicated, Innocence, When You're Gone, Hot, Runaway, and etc etc etc!!
So here are some pictures of her performing! Obviously you can't really see her in the picture but anyway~~~! :D

The dancers were also amazing! There was this part where Avril took the time to introduce her band and her 4 dancers to us. Her dances were exactly the ones in her "The Best Damn Thing" video! :D Oh oh I remember the guitarist in the band was Steve, and the bassist was Al! (: There were two songs where Avril did not sing but it was still her song, and her dancers were dancing to the song! They did backflips and so many other tricks it was so amazing! (:
The concert ended just so fast! Avril performed her last song and said "Thank you" and stuff like that and then just disappeared -.- I was so blur, going "huh? Finsih already ar??" LOL. The whole stadium were filled with rubbish and plastic raincoats on the grass! XD
Oh and not to mention there was this supernice guard who stood in front of me, Amanda, and SianShern the whole concert! (: He is, *drum rolls* MR YAP!
And this is his back view! Okay-okay, let me clear this for you FIRST. We do NOT know him or anything. He was just this security guard who we found friendly! (: He was in the sense that he gave me and Amanda EXTRA raincoats for protection and also somewhere during the concert, we kinda pleaded him to give us two botles of water- AND HE DID! (: He wasn't supposed to but he did. It was so funny, the way he was taking the water bottles secretly without the other guards noticing. Poor him, but he was a really nice guy! :D
Yesssssh people I lost my voice RIGHT after the concert and even have a bottle of water beside me now. Haha, oh well, it was worth it anyway. (:
Anyway, I'll update more when I have the time. (: I feel like sleeping now.
*yawn.* Nights people (: