Fists clenched. So here I go again.
July is a birthday month in SIS. We've celebrated students' and teachers' birthdays including mine and it all went great, and it all was a surprise party. (: First there was my sweet 16, then Mr Owen's bday..
And today..
Happy Sweeeeeeet 16 to Syeyiiiii!
Syeyi making a wish. (:
Syeyi and her little sis, Syu! :D
Hm, surprise much????
We like to act silly, and pose silly. Well, that's who we are. hehehe!
Bend it like beckham!!!!!!
And of course, we ALWAYS have a group pic. This is our family in SIS. (:
Ooh, not to mention, it was also Ms Shannon's birthday! She's a new teacher and will be teaching the dance and drama club!
Ms Shannon and MunYee.......
Today the Individual Sports Club at SIS was going bowling at Sunway Pyramid and I only knew that right before school was out. So, here are the pictures! (: Haha Amanda doesnt want me to blog too much about the bowling but I can say that it all went great. :D I also bought Syeyi an ice cream as a really, really small birthday gift!
School was okay today. But it was a little boring. Lunch was a bit disgusting because the chicken sauce was really yellow but the best part was the tennis tournament we had during P.E. lesson! It was sooo fun! We had single tournaments and double tournaments. When we were playing the single tournament, my opponent was a guy Lawrence. We don't really know each other but yesterday when we were playing together he got a little "fed up" cause I hit really far and he can hardly hit the ball back. It was either I hit the ball to the left when he was standing to the right, or I hit it out, or it didnt even cross the net. -.-
So when I got him as an opponent, I couldnt stop laughing because he was laughing himself. Haha but it was the opposite today! I couldnt hit any of his serves! Well, maybe one or two, but - -haha! It was so damn funny. We still couldnt stop laughing when we were playing with other people. (:
Tomorrow's Beach Day AGAIN. -.- Oh well, cant wait for it I guess. :D
Ta-ta now! <3 ANITAAAAAA