Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Miss you guys. :D
Thursday, May 29, 2008
YAY! Exams are finally over! Not for the Grade 11 and ESL student, though. Today I had English exam and man it was so hard! Yesterday it was Math and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be but English, man!
Lunch today didn’t really looked nice so me and a couple of friends went to the university cafeteria to get some food. My Careers teacher, Ms Nancy, brought her lil' baby daughter to school today and she is soooo cute! Didn’t even cry MAN!
So my holidays are finally here! I'll be heading home so soon I'm sooooooo looking forward to it! :D
Me and Syafiqah stayed back and I watched some of Channing Tatum's interviews on YouTube and,haha, he is so hot! After saying "Happy Holidays" to the teachers, we went back. =)
Let's see..
Ms. Collins will be going back to Canada
Ms Nancy'll be teaching at CIMP next sem and not SIS anymore =(
Ms Litman going all over the world..Ireland, Sweden and Canada
Here are some pictures I took today.
Dang, school's over for a month and two weeks!
Haha. :D Iz the only guy!
Ms Nancy who's been through a lot this semester. We'll miss you! T_T
This is Adilet and Ms Nancy's baby :D HAHA. DO you guys think he looks like Peter from Narnia?
Monday, May 26, 2008
When A Rose Represents Love
My brother's Dear Little Friend (DLF)
It was great seeing my brother again. Not to mention that I got to give him his birthday gift. Actually, I planned to show my present to a bunch of people on his birthday but it didn’t work out. Anyway, if you are reading this, hope you really like the present. I had a 3+ out of 4 on your present! :D
So me and my brother, we catch up on a lot of things. We talked about our friends, coaching and so much more. Then he told me I got fatter -.- HAHA. Ok then. I promise you man, next time you see me I'll be thinner! That's my goal now. After he said that, he gave me the "motivation" to cut down on eating. So thanks man. LOL.
We make friends in our life. This post will be about my brother and his little friend. Here are some pictures I took of the both of them. I also took a video of the little guy following my brother everywhere and it is hell funny!
The little fella with the big guy.
Friday, May 23, 2008
HIGH MAN! I just got back a couple of minutes ago. Went to watch Narnia: Prince Caspian with some teachers and friends. Don’t really know why we watched it but we did! Luckily the other students who went were all my friends. At least I can talk to them. :)
Prince Caspian is nice to watch! My parents told me that they didn’t like it but I like it a lot! Great to see that the four kids had grew up and Syuyi who were sitting beside me kept going "Edmund is soooooooooooooo hot!" HAHA. The times she said that was countless and she kept telling me that Edmund is hers and she will marry him. LOL. Skandar Keynes is HOT. HOT STUFF. But I still find Channing Tatum much better so you can relax, Syu!

The VERY HOTTTTTTTT Channing Tatum! <3 face="trebuchet ms" size="11pt" style="margin: 0in;">
Before the movie, me and Syu went to the food corner and got a large caramel popcorn. HAHA. Anyway, I still ate some of Adilet's cause he was kind and gentleman enough to give me some.
When we reached school, it was already about 8 o'clock. The school was really dark but Ms Nancy was still there. So it was okay. Dark yeah, scary yeah, but it's SIS. :D
Anyway, today was our Grade 10 English class's Book Festival. It's where you introduce the books that you've read in the past few months to people who came. It was okay, I guess. Oh well. Took a lot of pictures and got high. :D Not to mention I have SOME VIDEOS that will make me laugh when I need to have a laugh. HAHAHA. Syafiqah will be so pissed if she sees this. HAHAHA.
Amanda's com cover on the left and mine on the right :)
Mine. Chosen by Amanda :D
Nadira and I
Jonathan in his costume.
Hanis and Jonathan
Syeyi looks happy. Farid passing by. Adilet. well.. :S
Amanda and Syafiqah looks like they are "staring" at Mr Owen.. XD
I love corners :)
Who cares if I sit here?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mummy Dearest :D
Yay. It's someone's birthday today. Someone special.
Happy Birthday Mummy!!!!!!!!!!
You've always been there for me. And I am proud of you for being my mummy. You make the best food ever, and the best make-up ever, fashionable..and most importantly, you love Papa, Jiandao, BeanFace, OrBoy and me SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!
Hope you'll have a great day today :)
Take care always.
I love you.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Jacky's Tag
- Denise Teh
- Teh Jiansheng
- Simon Chong
- Anson Lim
- Mun Yee
- Sean
- Sin Vui
- Michelle
- Rachel
- Cathz
- Pei Ling
- Syafiqah
- Ellysha
- Hiyudo
- Fenny
- Amanda
- Catherine
- Carmen
- Zoie
- Syeyi
Do not copy each other's answers
The tag questions must be 100% the same
List Out 20 names
Tag people after doing it
How do you know 14?
[ Hiyudo ] Through CO in my previous school.
What would you do if you had never met 1?
[ Denise ] Hm, I'd miss out A LOT on how to be lame and I'd have no one to comfort me when I'm down.
What would you do if 9 and 20 dated you?
[ Rachel, Syeyi] Both are girls. But since they're nice people, I'd think about it! Sadly, Syeyi's after the lead singer of Muse. Oh well.
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
[ Sean, Catherine ] They are strangers to each other and totally different people.
Do you think 8 is attractive?
[ Michelle ] She so is. she's one hell of a babe. And I miss her lots.
Do you know anything about 12's family?
[ Syafiqah ] Well, not much. But I do know that she has a sister who annoys her and a loving mummy. Not much about her father, though.
Tell me something about 7.
[ Sin Vui ] Damn I miss this girl. One of my besties from my previous school and a really great singer. Loves dressing up and I love her so much. Boys are always after her.
What is 18's favourite?
[ Carmen ] HAH. One thing I can tell you, her favorite boyfriend is that Joey Seok loh. LOLz. They look cute together!
What language does 15 speak?
[ Fenny ] Chinese, Malay, Cantonese, Hakka. Hm, I think this is all. She speaks a little Hokkien I think.
Who is going out with 19?
[ Zoie ] A guy called Kobe who's in NZ with her!
How old is 16 now?
[ Amanda ] 17 lo. Damn hell of a swimmer. Going to Sukma lagi.
When was the last time you talked to 13?
[ Ellysha ] Such a long time. Probably coach outing in 1 Utama. Sad case.
Who is 2's favourite singer?
[ Jiansheng ] Most probably Dir En Grey. I think.
Would you date 4?
[ Anson ] HAHA. Nah. He's after some girl and needs to recover the scars in his heart. Oh god.
Would you date 17?
[ Catherine ] My dear girl. I love her so much!
Is 15 single?
[ Fenny ] Haha, I thought she was! Nah, she isn't.
What is 10's last name?
[ Cathz ] Wong.
Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11?
[ Pei Ling ] My another best friend. Of course. I love her so much and she is in need of a friendly hug now.
Which school does 3 go to?
[Simon] YYSS. HAHA My previous school
Where does 6 live?
[ Sean ] Not sure man.
What is your favourite thing about 5?
[ Mun Yee ] That she can always put a smile on my face and she is always telling jokes. Check out her blog, lots of nice real-life jokes. She's always so happy and positive. She is also a great person!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Monday. Today is Wesak Day, I think so everyone is having a holiday. I basically woke up around 9 and went to have my breakfast. I camwhored a bit though, before I went to have breakfast. Had to walk about 15 minutes before reaching the café to get my breakfast so I was like, sweating. Then I went another round for lunch.
I chatted with Rachel through MSN today. Sweet girl she is. we chatted for quite a while and found out that we had a lot to talk about. So that’s good. :) And not to mention she had this really cute icon! It was a smiley face smiling upside down. Damn cool man.
Anyhoos, for lunch I had cheese chicken sausage and some kinda bean curd rice. I thought it would be nice but hell, it wasn’t la.
Today didn’t pass by so fast and I am so disappointed. :(
LOLX. Like, yesterday did mainly because I woke up at twelve. :S
I know I haven't been uploading pictures but hopefully I will soon! I've got some pictures but no interesting ones. Too bad I guess. XD
Mum called around 3.40 right after I had my bath. Talked for a while and then continued using the computer.
Omigosh. I can't believe I am so bored.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Who's Your Hero?
About two months ago, I studied Civics and we learned about child labour and a 12-year-old guy called Craig Kielburger. He formed a group called Free The Children with some of his friends in school. Since I had a HUGE assignment on this organization and was too bored justnow, I google searched for Craig Kielburger and Iqbal Masih, who was killed when he returned to Pakistan. He was sold to a carpet factory when he was just 4 and managed to escape, going all around giving talks about Rights.
So I google-searched him and I got to this really amazing webpage. The page contained a lot of child heroes and I had already read about 5 of the child heroes' article. It is just so great to know that even children under the age of 5 can be heroes!
I learnt a lot after reading the articles but I am not done reading all yet. This is definitely a website I'd recommend each and everyone of you to take a look at! It shows how amazing and heroic children can be.
Go to
There are a lot of other child heroes if you keep scrolling down.
I'd probably read all the other articles tomorrow when I am bored. It's so great to be able to learn and know so much about these young heroes!
Friday, May 16, 2008
The SIS Amazing Race
Woohoo! Today we had an Amazing Race. It was called The SIS Amazing Race. ;D
By the way, today's theme was cowboy and cowgirl. I just wore the school uniform cause I had nothing to wear :(
I was lucky enough to be in the same group as MunYee, David and Jyang. I think that is how his name is spelt. The four of us started off quite good and MunYee was a great leader. She kept apologizing for being a terrible leader but she really wasn’t at all. It was all like The Amazing Race and we had to complete something before we get a clue for the next thing we are supposed to do.
The first task was to find the place where Ms Sutter and Ms Kym parked their car. I quickly ran because I knew where it was. Me and MunYee ran so fast and we saw Ms Sutter standing by this car and my team was the first to arrive there. Turned out we had to wash their cars -.- HAHA. It was so funny. But me, Munyee, David and Jyang kept washing and then we moved on to our second task.
The second task was to look for Miss Litman and we had to do a dance to pass this task. When all the groups were there, Miss Litman started to dance and taught us how to do the dance. We were all given some time to practice and my group went to dance for about 4 times. It was a dance based on a Shania Twain song. It was definitely fun because we got to dance and be stupid in front of the other groups.
Then from the school, we had to go to the football field outside for our 3rd Task. The task was to have one team member blind-folded and then guide him/ her to score a goal. MunTee willingly went up to Ms Collins, took the blind-folding thing and blind-folded herself. She's great :) Me, David and Jyang kept saying "Left!" "Straight!" HAHA. This task was kind of easy but I hope MunYee is okay because she had to spin before she did that task. :)
Task 4 was to build this camp. It was so hard and halfway through it we lost David. Me and MunYee were so pissed off and looked all over for him. Then we found him, AFTER 15 MINUTES! We lost so much time and we wasted even more time on thinking how to build the camp. But it turned out good. After a long time.
The last task, which is also Task 5, was to go to the Uni cafeteria Bubbletea Station and to see Ms Kym there. She gave us these words and we had to rearrange it to guess our final destination. After that, me and my team ran back to the school because we were all supposed to meet there when we're finished.
Apparently, we were the second last team to reach there. So bad. I could see that MunYee was disappointed but that two guys had no expressions at all -.-
But just so my team knows, you guys were great!!!
Happy 18th Birthday to orboy :D
It's my brother's birthday! Yes, the one who's always saying how handsome he is. The one who is so full of himself in a good way. I'm wondering how he's celebrating with his friends. :)
Happy 18th Birthday to youuuuuu dude!

This is him eating his birthday cake last year. ><>: (
I've got some presents ready for him so I wonder when I'll get to see him. :)
Anyway, hope you have a great day bro! Always remember to smile and protect me. HAHAHA
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Papa
Oh yesh, it's my dad's birthday and I seriously wish I could be there celebrating with him!
I remember the past few years when I would make birthday cards for him each year. Yes, handmade!
So happy birthday papa! I miss you and mummy hell lots but don’t worry, I'll be back pretty soon :D
Be happy always and can't wait to see you smiling when I get back home..Hope you are enjoying your day. Thanks for always being there for me and supporting me. Letting me know that I can always succeed.
You've been a great dad and I love you so much!
love much ANITA -- your princess
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I've lost it.
I'm killing myself with assignments. Three more weeks but it is still a long way to go.
I've lost my respect. Now people can treat me anyway they want. I thought I had it all right, then the people who I thought were my friends step all over you.
They laugh at what I say.
There's no need to laugh me. There's so much more to laugh about you, it's just that I keep it to myself instead of laughing with everyone else.
They blame me for doing the same thing they did.
I have my own way of living, I know what I want. I know what I need to do and I know how I live.
They point out my flaws and laugh about it.
You know, it'd be better if you could encourage me to do better instead of sharing it with others.
They accuse me for being fake.
When I post dramatic sentences. Life is dramatic. I'm lost it. And yes, you can call me fake then.
They make it obvious that I am imperfect.
I am. We all are. Ok, blame me for it. I'm used to it.
They make fun of me and don’t realize how much it's hurting me.
It hurts a lot.
They can no longer be the people I can talk with.
They used to be. And I felt so comfortable with them. Not now.
They question me for being who I am.
I've lost myself. Your questions confuse me.
They call me fake when I am emo.
I've got a life. And I've got a way to express it.
They call me stupid.
And mean it.
They are being sarcastic to me.
When they think that is a better way to hurt me. More.
They say nothing is true.
When actually everything is. And so is this post.